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 Facial Ageing
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Signs Of Facial Ageing
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Area around the mouth

Young mouth

Effects of ageing
With age, folds appear from the corner of the nose to the corner of the lips, and from the corner of the lips to the jawline. The upper lip and the lower lip develop vertical and horizontal wrinkles. When we smile, we show less teeth. The lips become thinner with age. The corners of the lips begin to droop.

Lower facial profile

Young lower facial profile

Effects of ageing
This is more related to the denture patient. Because of the shrinkage of the gums and wear of the teeth, the face beneath the nose tends towards the "sunken look."


Young smooth jawline

Effects of ageing - irregular jawline

Smooth well defined mandibular line connotes youth.
With age, jowls appear and the jaw tends to merge with the neck.


Young chin

Effects of ageing
In the young, the apex of chin is above the jaw line when seen from the side. In profile, the nose, the lips and the chin form a slight convexity.


Young cheeks

Effects of ageing
Well defined cheek prominence, just underneath the corner of the eye, usually has a smooth skin. With age this tends to flatten to give the gaunt look of old age.




Young nose

Effects of ageing
With age, the nose will tend to grow longer and the tip of the nose will droop and flatten out.The nostrils, which have an almond shape in the young, will appear flat and rounded.

Forehead & Region
around the Eyes

Young forehead & eyes

Effects of ageing
Horizontal & vertical forehead wrinkles appear.The eyebrows sag below the bony prominence above the eyes.The corners of the eyes droop, giving a sad look.


Young eyes

Young eyes profile

Effects of ageing

Effects of ageing
Loose skin appears above the upper eyelid. This sometimes covers the whole of the upper eyelid. Loose skin (bags) also appear below the eye.Creases appear at the side of the eyes (crow’s feet). The corners of the eyes tend to droop, giving a sad look.


Young neck

Effects of ageing
Wrinkles appear with age and the skin forms bands (known as turkey neck).


Young smile

Effects if ageing


Young skin

Effects of ageing
Many of the changes in the face are the results of gravity acting on the skin which is becoming progressively thinner, drier, and less elastic.

The degree to which skin is affected is influenced by hormonal (menopause), genetic, dietary, environmental (tobacco, sun, alcohol etc.) factors and, of course, age.

One must distinguish between intrinsic (chronological) ageing and photo-ageing.

Loosening, thinning, yellowing, roughening and development of wrinkles and deep folds. Increase in pore size. Hair thinning.

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